UFH Accommodation 2023-2024
UFH Accommodation 2023-2024
You are at the center of the university community when you live on campus, prepared for both academic and extracurricular activities. You can join a vital living and learning community as a result, and you can also forge lifelong friendships.
The team is dedicated to assisting students in meeting their various requirements, and in the process, they encourage responsibility, accountability, and growth.
Bhisho Campus
The Bhisho campus, which is just outside King William’s Town and sited close to the courses. The Bhisho Campus specializes in proving capacity–building in public administration and finance to provincial, local, and foreign governments. It houses the Fort Hare Solutions, the School of Government and Public Administration, as well as the Institute of Development Assistance Management.
East London Campus
The establishment of a strong, urban-based Campus in East London has become a reality. Currently, it has over 5000 students and is situated in the center of the City of East London, between Fleet Street and the harbor. The ideal position of this campus is in the newest metropolitan city in South Africa lends itself to attracting a varied mix of students and staff and caters for long-distance learning and part-time students with programs and courses that meet the need of a vast number of students.
UFH online Registration
UFH online Application Status
UFH Online Courses
UFH Courses
How to Apply UFH online
UFH online application dates
UFH online registration dates
How to register UFH Online
UFH online Prospectus
UFH Online application fee
UFH Online admission requirements
UFH Application form