Category Archives: search a job

SASSA 1050 2023-2024

SASSA 1050 2023-2024 SASSA 1050 2023-2024 The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) utilizes the SASSA 1050 reference number to distinguish a particular application or beneficiary for social grants such as the Older Persons Grant and the Child Support Grant. If you have applied for a SASSA grant, you will be assigned a SASSA 1050… Read More »

sassa 625 2023-2024

sassa 625 2023-2024 sassa 625 2023-2024 SASSA, the South African Social Security Agency, is a government agency that provides social subsidies to eligible South African citizens. These subsidies are designed to offer financial support to vulnerable members of the population and include grants for child support, old age pensions, disability, and other social assistance programs.… Read More »

Does SASSA money expire if not withdrawn? 2023-2024

Does SASSA money expire if not withdrawn? 2023-2024 Does SASSA money expire if not withdrawn? 2023-2024 If you are a beneficiary of a social grant through SASSA (the South African Social Security Agency), you may be wondering whether your grant money will expire if it is not withdrawn within a certain period of time. The… Read More »

Do I have to apply every month for SRD grant? 2023-2024

Do I have to apply every month for SRD grant? 2023-2024 Do I have to apply every month for SRD grant? 2023-2024 The R350 Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant is a monthly payment provided by the South African government to individuals who are unemployed and not receiving any other form of income support. The… Read More »

How much will Sassa pay this month? 2023-2024

How much will Sassa pay this month? 2023-2024 How much will Sassa pay this month? 2023-2024 SASSA (South African Social Security Agency) is a government organization that provides social grants to eligible South Africans who are in need of financial assistance. These grants include various forms of social assistance, such as old age pensions, disability… Read More »

sassa grant status 2023-2024

sassa grant status 2023-2024 sassa grant status 2023-2024 SASSA, the South African Social Security Agency, provides social grants to eligible individuals who are in need of financial assistance. There are several types of grants offered by SASSA, including child support grants, disability grants, and old age grants, among others. Once you have applied for a… Read More »