Pain in the top of the foot

By | June 18, 2024

Pain in the top of the foot

Pain in the top of the foot

Pain in the top of the foot

Common causes of pain in the top of the foot

Pain in the top of your foot is often caused by exercising, especially if it involves running, kicking, or jumping. It may also be caused by wearing shoes that are too tight and some conditions, like gout.

Your symptoms might give you an idea of what's causing your pain. Do not self-diagnose – see a GP if you're worried.

Some of the possible causes of pain in the top of the foot.
Symptoms Possible cause
Pain, swelling, and bruising, started after intense or repetitive exercise Sprain or strain
Pain, swelling, and stiffness that lasts a long time, a grating or crackling sensation when you move the foot, a lump along a tendon Tendonitis or osteoarthritis
Red, hot, swollen skin, sudden or severe pain when anything touches your foot, pain usually starts near the bottom of the big toe Gout

Tips on how to take care of pain in the top of your foot

  • rest and raise your foot when you can
  • put an ice pack (or bag of frozen peas in a towel) on the painful area for up to 20 minutes every 2 to 3 hours
  • wear shoes with plenty of room for your feet, which have a low heel and soft sole
  • use soft insoles or pads you put in your shoes
  • try to lose weight if you're overweight
  • try regular gentle stretching exercises on your foot and ankle
  • use painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen gel (or ibuprofen tablets if needed) to ease the pain
  • After, use Metonil a joint pain product for the pain in the top of the foot

If you have pain in the top of your foot do not

  • any sports or other activity that you think is causing the pain
  • walk or stand for a long time
  • wear high heels or tight or pointy shoes

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