WITS Online Application Status 2023-2024
WITS Online Application Status 2023-2024

About the WITS Online Application Status 2023-2024
Wits student self-service is your go-to portal for all things relating to your application. It is your very own secure portal where you can check the status of your application, upload supporting documents, and update your contact details.
After you submit your application, you will receive a confirmation email with your application number. You can use this number to track your application status online. Once your application is processed, you will receive further communication from the university regarding the outcome of your application.
- We will email you to confirm we have received your application.
- Our acknowledgment letter will contain a person number (which will become your student number), and a reference person for you to contact for any queries you may have.
- All records of correspondence from the University will be available on the student self-service portal https://self-service.wits.ac.za
- Check the status of your application and your to do items on the student self-service portal regularly.
- Keep your contact details up-to-date on self-service.
To view all correspondence generated on the Self Service Portal, go to the Main Menu > Self Service > Wits Student Self Service > Communication History
To check your Application Status on the Self Service go to the Main Menu > Self Service > Student Centre > Admissions > View Academic Application Status
- All correspondence from us will be available on theportalhttps://self-service.wits.ac.za
- Check your ‘to-do' lists regularly. Your application is considered incomplete and will not be considered if we do not receive all the required documentation.
Offer of a place
- Firm offers can only be confirmed after receiving final matric results.
- Current Matriculants may be made a provisional offer (depending on self-reported Grade 11 results). Read the Provisional Acceptance Guide.
- Each choice of degree is treated as a separate application. The order of choice makes no difference.
Firm offers
- If you receive a firm offer, you will be required to register at the University once the registration process is opened. This is usually at the beginning of the academic year for which you have applied.
- Communication offering a firm place and information about registration and orientation will reflect on the self-service portal, and registration and orientation details will be available on the Wits website.
- Places are limited, therefore you may only accept one offer. You are required to accept an offer and register as a student before the cut-off date stipulated in your offer letter/sms to secure your place.
- Download the Acceptance Guide
If you have not been offered a place at the University for any of your degree choices, please find possible alternative options here – 2023 Contact Details for School Leavers
Changed your mind about your choice of study?
- DO NOT submit a new application!
- Refer to the closing dates to see if applications are still open for your new selection.
- If you are certain you want to change your programme choice, amend your choices at https://forms.gle/RHZYgV1BRYqTESnf6. It is advisable to avoid multiple changes.
- Should your contact details change (e.g. email, residential or postal address or contact numbers) update your new details on the student self-service portal: https://self-service.wits.ac.za