can sassa cancel child grant 2023-2024

By | May 15, 2023

can sassa cancel child grant 2023-2024

can sassa cancel child grant 2023-2024

can sassa cancel child grant 2023-2024

Yes, the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) has the authority to cancel a child grant under certain circumstances. The cancellation of a child grant is typically done when the recipient no longer meets the eligibility criteria or if there are changes in the recipient's circumstances that disqualify them from receiving the grant.

Some common reasons for the cancellation of a child grant include:

  • The child reaches the age of 18: Child grants are generally provided until the child reaches the age of 18. Once the child turns 18, the grant may be discontinued unless they meet specific criteria for extension.
  • Changes in the caregiver's circumstances: If there are changes in the caregiver's circumstances, such as an increase in income or employment, it may affect their eligibility for the child grant. SASSA may reassess the recipient's situation and cancel the grant if the new circumstances disqualify them.
  • Failure to provide required documentation: SASSA may require recipients to provide certain documents periodically to ensure continued eligibility for the child grant. If the recipient fails to provide the requested documentation within the specified timeframe, the grant may be canceled.
  • Death of the child or caregiver: In the unfortunate event of the death of the child or the caregiver, the child grant may be canceled.

It's important to note that the cancellation of a child grant is usually done through a formal process. SASSA will typically notify the recipient of the decision and provide them with an opportunity to appeal if they believe the cancellation is unjustified.

If you have specific concerns about the cancellation of a child grant, it is recommended to contact SASSA directly. They will be able to provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the cancellation process and any potential options for appeal.

SASSA ( South African Social Security Agency) Contact Information:

  • SASSA Head Office: 012 400 2000
  • SASSA toll-free Helpline: 0800 60 10 11
  • SASSA Email:


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