RU Online admission requirements 2023-2024

By | March 13, 2023

RU Online admission requirements 2023-2024

RU Online admission requirements 2023-2024

RU Online admission requirements 2023-2024

About RU Online admission requirements 2023-2024

Rhodes University is one of the top universities in South Africa, known for its high academic standards and rigorous coursework. If you are interested in applying to Rhodes University, you will need to pay an application fee. Fortunately, paying the application fee is a simple process that can be completed online.


To pay your Rhodes University application fee online, you will need to follow these steps:

Visit the Rhodes University website: The first step in paying your application fee is to visit the Rhodes University website. You can do this by using this link here

Click on the “Apply to Rhodes” link: Once you are on the Rhodes University website, you will need to navigate to the “Apply to Rhodes” section. This can usually be found in the top menu or in the footer of the website.

Create an account: To start the application process, you will need to create an account on the Rhodes University website. This will require you to provide some basic personal information, such as your name, email address, and a password.

Select your program: After creating your account, you will need to select the program you are applying for. This will ensure that your application fee is correctly allocated.

Pay the application fee: Once you have selected your program, you will be directed to a payment page where you can pay your application fee. You will be prompted to enter your payment details, such as your credit card number and expiry date.

Submit your application: After paying your application fee, you will be able to submit your application online. Be sure to check that all your details are correct before submitting your application.

Your application will only be considered for admission to the University if you qualify for Bachelor's degree study AND you satisfy the faculty requirements. To qualify for with a Bachelor's pass status, learners are required to take seven subjects, four of which are compulsory (two languages, Life Orientation and either Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy) and three of the learner's own choice from the subjects on offer at the school.

To qualify for degree studies at Rhodes University, learners must pass:

English language at an achievement rating of 4 (50 – 59%) or above.

At least four of the seven subjects must be from the list of recommended subject list set out below and students must have obtained an achievement rating of 4 (50 – 59%) or above.

Meet Faculty requirements:  subject requirements and percentage required.

PLEASE NOTE:  Obtaining the minimum requirements does not guarantee acceptance

Recommended subject list:

Accounting, Agricultural Science, Business Studies, Consumer Studies, Dramatic Arts, Engineering Graphics & Design, Economics, Geography, History, Information Technology, Languages, Life Sciences, Mathematics / Mathematical Literacy, Music, Physical Science, Religion Studies, Visual Arts.

The minimum entry requirements for admission to Rhodes University in 2022 are set out in the following table below. Note (a) the point levels that are required (b) the differences in the achievement levels that are needed for Mathematical Literacy, (c) the need for Life and/or Physical Sciences for degrees in Science or Pharmacy.


The percentages achieved in National Senior Certificate examinations (preliminary and final examinations) will be allocated an admissions score using the percentage obtained for each subject. The sum of six subject scores, excluding Life Orientation but including English and any other required subject(s) for the relevant programme is considered when deciding on admission. Results below 40% for any subject do not attract a score. Mathematics Paper 3 does not contribute to the APS score but the results will be captured for the Dean to note when making an admission decision.

Degree Subjects Required Extended Studies Dean’s discretion Automatic Points
Commerce Mathematics 34 – 37 38 -44 45+
Education Two Languages Maths/Maths Lit 32 – 39 40+
Humanities 30 – 34 34 – 44 45+
Pharmacy Mathematics,

Life and Physical Sciences



40 – 44




Science Mathematics,

Physical Science

Or Life Science



38 – 44





Life Orientation is not counter for points, but you are required to obtain at least for acceptance.

Candidates who completed the South African Senior Certificate before 2008:  you must send a certified copy of your matriculation exemptin certificate with your application form.  Please note you need to have passed with an exemption to be accepted.

Life Orientation is not counter for points, but you are required to obtain at least for acceptance.

Candidates who completed the South African Senior Certificate before 2008:  you must send a certified copy of your matriculation exemptin certificate with your application form.  Please note you need to have passed with an exemption to be accepted.

Law As from 2020 a number of students will be admitted into LLB1, with the view to complete the LLB in four years.  The other access points to the LLB remain available, with the majority of students entering the LLB degree after obtaining a first Bachelor’s degree with Law as one of the major subjects, to complete the degree over two years; or with a Bachelor’s degree without Law as a major, to complete the degree over three years.



How to Apply to RU online

RU online application dates

RU Application form

RU Accommodation

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