via sassa 9 lugano 2023-2024

By | May 16, 2023

via sassa 9 lugano 2023-2024

via sassa 9 lugano 2023-2024

via sassa 9 lugano 2023-2024

Public Transportation to Villa Sassa Hotel Lugano & SPA

Looking for directions to Villa Sassa Hotel Lugano & SPA in Lugano, Italy? Moovit is here to assist you in finding the optimal route. With step-by-step directions from the nearest public transit station, Moovit provides free maps and real-time navigation to help you traverse your city effortlessly. You can easily access schedules, routes, and timetables, and even determine the estimated travel time to Villa Sassa Hotel Lugano & SPA.

  • To find the closest stop or station to Villa Sassa Hotel Lugano & SPA, you can refer to this list of nearby stops: Lugano – Stazione Nord; Lugano. Moovit allows you to explore various transportation options, including bus (C12) and train (RE80S10S50), and discover alternative routes and departure times that may better suit your needs. Whether you use the Moovit app or website, you can obtain clear directions and travel with confidence.
  • Moovit simplifies the journey to Villa Sassa Hotel Lugano & SPA, earning the trust of over 1.5 million users in Lugano alone. No need to download separate bus or train apps—Moovit serves as your comprehensive transit companion, ensuring you have access to the best bus and train schedules available. For information regarding train and bus prices, fares, and ride costs, it is recommended to consult the Moovit app for accurate and up-to-date details.

SASSA ( South African Social Security Agency) Contact Information:

  • SASSA Head Office: 012 400 2000
  • SASSA toll-free Helpline: 0800 60 10 11
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