Why is my June SRD still pending? 2023-2024

By | May 8, 2023

Why is my June SRD still pending? 2023-2024

Why is my June SRD still pending? 2023-2024

Why is my June SRD still pending? 2023-2024

If your June Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant application is still pending, it could be due to various reasons. The processing of SRD applications can take some time due to the high volume of applications received by the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA).

Here are some possible reasons why your June SRD application is still pending:

  • Verification process: SASSA needs to verify your personal and financial information before approving your application. This process can take some time if there is a backlog or if there are discrepancies in your information.
  • Incomplete application: If your application is incomplete, it may be rejected or returned to you for further information. Make sure you provide all the required documents and information when submitting your application.
  • Technical issues: Sometimes, technical glitches or system downtime can cause delays in processing your application.
  • Eligibility criteria: SRD grant is designed to assist individuals who are unemployed, do not receive any other form of income, and are not receiving any other form of social grant. If you do not meet the eligibility criteria, your application may be rejected.

If you want to check the status of your June SRD grant application, you can contact SASSA directly. You can call their toll-free number at 0800 60 10 11 or visit your nearest SASSA office to enquire about the status of your application.

It's important to note that the processing time for SRD grant applications varies depending on the volume of applications received and the time it takes for SASSA to verify the information provided. While waiting for your application to be approved, it's advisable to regularly check with SASSA for any updates on the status of your application.

If your application is approved, you will receive an SMS notification with the payment details and the date when the grant will be paid into your bank account. If your application is declined, you will also receive an SMS notification with the reason for the decline.

In conclusion, the best way to ensure your SRD grant application is processed promptly is to ensure you submit all the required documents and information. If your application is still pending after a reasonable time, contact SASSA to enquire about the status of your application.


Visit the SRD website at


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