WITS Online Registration 2023-2024
WITS Online Registration 2023-2024

The University of the Witwatersrand (WITS) offers an online registration system for students to register for courses and programs. The online registration process is typically done through the WITS Student Self-Service portal.
To register online, you will need to have access to the internet, a valid email address, and your student number and password. You will also need to have completed any required application processes and been accepted into your chosen program or course.
During the online registration process, you will be prompted to select your courses, pay any applicable fees, and upload any required documentation. It is important to pay close attention to any deadlines or requirements to ensure that your registration is processed successfully.
Faculty of Commerce Law and Management
Online Registration opens and closes as reflected below. Students must complete their registration before the close of the Online System.
New first-year students
Online Registration: Online registration for new first-year students is now closed.
Assisted registration: Assisted registration for new first-year students is now closed.
You cannot choose the date when to come and register. Failure to register as soon as an SMS offer has been sent to you will result in the offer being withdrawn, and the place will be offered to another student. No telephonic or email acceptances can be made. You may only accept one offer. Acceptance of an offer alone does not secure or hold your place. You have to register and receive confirmation that you are a registered student for 2023.
Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
New first-year students
Online Registration: If you are made a firm offer, you will receive an SMS offer and a firm offer letter via email from the University. Please follow the instructions in the letter.
Assisted registration: Assisted Registration for first year students are only open to students where a firm offer has been given.
You cannot choose the date when to come and register. Failure to register as soon as an SMS offer has been sent to you will result in the offer being withdrawn, and the place will be offered to another student. No telephonic or email acceptances can be made. You may only accept one offer. Acceptance of an offer alone does not secure or hold your place. You have to register and receive confirmation that you are a registered student for 2023.
Faculty of Health Sciences
New first-year students
Online Registration: Online Registration for new first year students are only open in selected Health Sciences Programmes. Please enquire with the Faculty Registrar (Sandra.Benn@wits.ac.za).
Assisted registration: Assisted Registration for first year students are only open to students where a firm offer has been given.
You cannot choose the date when to come and register. Failure to register as soon as an SMS offer has been sent to you will result in the offer being withdrawn, and the place will be offered to another student. No telephonic or email acceptances can be made. You may only accept one offer. Acceptance of an offer alone does not secure or hold your place. You have to register and receive confirmation that you are a registered student for 2023.
Faculty of Humanities, including School of Education
New first-year students
Online Registration: If you are made a firm offer, you will receive an SMS offer and a firm offer letter via email from the University. Please follow the instructions in the letter.
Assisted registration: Assisted Registration for first year students are only open to students where a firm offer has been given.
Returning undergraduate students
Online Registration: 03 January to 20 February 2023
Assisted registration (for students who are unable to register online): 24 January 2023, at Sturrock Park (Wits Sports Admin), Wits Braamfontein Campus West.
08h00 to 12h00 and;
12h00 to 16h00 for Education students
Postgraduate students, new and returning
Online Registration: 03 January to 20 February 2023
Assisted registration (for students who are unable to register online): 27 January 2023 at Sturrock Park (Wits Sports Admin), Wits Braamfontein Campus West.
Assisted Registration
For students who are unable to register online, or who have special curriculum requirements, your faculty is available for assisted registration on Saturday, 28 January 2023 from 09h00 to 13h00 at Sturrock Park (Wits Sports Admin), Braamfontein West Campus.
Faculty of Science
New first-year students
Online Registration: Online registration for new first-year students is now closed
Assisted registration: Assisted registration for new first-year students is now closed.
You cannot choose the date when to come and register. Failure to register as soon as an SMS offer has been sent to you will result in the offer being withdrawn, and the place will be offered to another student. No telephonic or email acceptances can be made. You may only accept one offer. Acceptance of an offer alone does not secure or hold your place. You have to register and receive confirmation that you are a registered student for 2023.
Part-Time students
For students who are unable to register online, or who have special curriculum requirements, your faculty is available for assisted registration on Saturday, 28 January 2023 from 09h00 to 13h00 at Sturrock Park (Wits Sports Admin), Braamfontein West Campus.