sassa july 2023-2024

sassa july 2023-2024

sassa july 2023-2024

In South Africa, the government provides social assistance through the SASSA to those in need. Social grants are available to individuals who are at risk of falling into poverty and require government assistance to improve their standard of living. This typically includes individuals with disabilities, elderly individuals, and parents with young children. To qualify for a social grant, you must be a South African citizen, a legally admitted permanent resident, or a refugee.

A “means test” is used to determine eligibility for several social benefits, such as child support, disability, care dependency, and social relief of distress. SASSA assesses your eligibility for a social grant based on your income and assets. The means test determines whether you are eligible for a grant intended for individuals who are unable to support themselves financially.

To check the status of a SASSA SRD application, follow these steps:

  • Visit the SASSA homepage.
  • Go to the “Application Status” section.
  • Select “Click here to check online.”
  • Complete the required fields.
  • You should be able to see your R350 grant application's current status at this point.

Alternatively, applicants can also check the status of their application by clicking on “My application status.” This will give them an update on whether their application has been approved, declined, or is still pending.


By Huge

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