UCT online Prospectus 2023-2024

UCT online Prospectus 2023-2024

UCT online Prospectus 2023-2024

UCT online Prospectus 2023-2024

About UCT online Prospectus 2023-2024

This prospectus serves as a guide for high school graduates and other individuals interested in pursuing a first degree at the University of Cape Town. It provides an overview of campus life at UCT as well as information on the facilities and services offered to students.

All available undergraduate programs are described in detail. We advise you to additionally check out the websites of any faculties or departments that pique your interest.


Below is a list of some of the terms we use in this prospectus along with definitions to assist you to comprehend its contents.

The score for Admission (APS):
This grade was determined based on how well you performed in secondary school. In this prospectus, you may view the computation formulas.

Criteria for selecting applicants:
These help us decide who to accept to study at UCT. Who has met the (minimum) entrance requirements is the first thing we determine.
Then, we put the program's admissions selection criteria to use.

One who submits an application to pursue a degree, diploma, or certificate. You become a student at UCT after you enroll.

Fee for submission:
This amount must be included in your application as a charge. Even if your application is rejected, it is not refundable.

Application ID:

You will be given an alpha-numeric “number” to identify and follow your application. Typically, it comprises of the first three letters of your first name, the first three consonants of your last name, and a three-digit number. In any further communication you have with us, it is crucial that you include this number.

Candidate status:

You can check the status of your application online after you've submitted it by signing into Student Self-Service with the username and password we give you after the application.

A disadvantage is:

We alter the FPS of South African NSC candidates by this amount, which should be between 0 and 10%, in order to arrive at the WPS. The disadvantage factor itself is formed from elements that are connected to the disadvantage that candidates encounter at home and at school.

Initial conditional offer:

This is an admission offer that was given during the year before the entrance and is contingent upon how well you score on your final secondary school exams. Not all candidates receive early conditional offers. If the requirements for admission are not satisfied, an early conditional offer will be revoked.


FPS: Faculty Points Score

We use this rating to order candidates. The APS has been modified to calculate the FPS in two faculties: science and health sciences. The APS is equal to the FPS in the other faculties.


Each department that makes up a faculty provides a unique degree or diploma program. At UCT, there are six faculties. Participants enroll in a faculty.

Entrance / Endorsement for Entrance:

You do not require a matriculation certificate or an exemption certificate if you get an NSC that is endorsed for bachelor's degree study. You will need to obtain a matriculation exemption certificate if the examining authority that issued your school-leaving certificate is another one.

Minimum prerequisites for admission:

What you must possess: For instance, admittance to some programs requires proficiency in mathematics. You must comply with these standards, but they alone may not be sufficient to gain entrance.

NBTs, or national benchmark tests:

Most undergraduate applicants who typically reside in South Africa or who have completed or are finishing their education there are required to take the NBTs.

The NBTs are not needed of applicants who are just applying for admission to a program in the Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment.

Wherever they may reside, candidates applying for admission to a program in the Faculty of Health Sciences must write the NBTs.

For more information download the full pdf of the Prospectus of the University of Cape Town HERE



University of Cape Town Online Application 2023-2024

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