University of Cape Town Online Application 2023-2024
University of Cape Town Online Application 2023-2024
University of Cape Town Online Application
About University of Cape Town (UCT)
The University of Cape Town (UCT) is South Africa's oldest university, and is one of Africa's leading teaching and research institutions. The oldest institution in South Africa is the University of Cape Town, which is situated in Rondebosch on the flanks of Table Mountain. Prospective students are now welcome to submit an application for the academic year 2023 because the university has opened its admissions site.
UCT Online Application date
The online Application date for the University of Cape Town (UCT) Undergraduate Study in this academic year falls on 1 April to July 31. Prospective Students are advice to apply on time to avoid late application. For the Postgraduate programes deadlines, kindly contact its various faculty office.
UCT Online Application requirement
The listed below are the general requirements needed when applying.
- You'll need an email address to complete the application.
- South African applicants will need an ID number.
- Foreign applicants will need their passport number.
- You will need to have registered for the NBTs before applying online.
UCT Eligibility Admission Requirements for Undergraduate Programmes.
- National Senior Certificate (NSC) Prospective Students must, for admission to the higher certificate, diploma, or degree programs have met the NSC requirements for such endorsement.
- Prospective Students who do not meet the minimum requirements for UCT admission but who are 23 years or older and have a Grade 12 (school-leaving) certificate, may qualify for a mature age exemption. If you fall into this category, you should discuss the possibility of conditional exemption with the relevant faculty office. Applicants with mature age exemption are not considered for programmes offered in the Faculties of Health Sciences or Law.
- Prospective Students with non-South African secondary school leaving certificates must have met the requirements for matriculation exemption.
- All applicants, in the final secondary school leaving assessment, must have achieved the minimum criteria for admission to the programme/s of their choice. These include:
- The required APS, FPS or WPS as it may apply to the programme of choice
- Performance levels specified for required secondary school subjects
- Performances in the applicable components of the NBTs
- Any other requirements, as outlined in the faculty sections, that may be applicable to specific programmes
UCT Online Application fee
Application fee is normally R100. Your initial payment is due in early February (or at registration if earlier). Refer to the most recent Student Fees Handbook for your initial fee. Late payment fee for initial payment is 8% of unpaid amount.
Students are encouraged to organize the following before applying:
- An email address to complete the application.
- South African students will need their ID documents and foreign students will need their passports.
- Ensure that all documents are scanned according to the directives.
- Exam results and proof of residence.
Higher Education Development, Commerce, Engineering, Health Sciences, Humanities, Law, and Science faculties at UCT all offer programs.
Prospective students may apply by following these steps:
- Click here to visit the UCT application page.
- Select between undergraduate and postgraduate applications.
- Fill in the necessary information and submit the needed documents.
- Submit your application.
Completed undergraduate application forms must be sent to with the subject line “2023 UCT Application Form”. All postgraduate applicants must apply online.
UCT Online Application Status
how to track your application status
Once you have submitted your application form, you may track your application by reading this article.
UCT online Registration
UCT online Application Status
UCT online Courses
UCT Courses
How to Apply UCT online
UCT online application dates
UCT online registration dates
How to register UCT Online
UCT online Prospectus
UCT Online application fee
UCT Online admission requirements
UCT Application form
For more info on uct click here