A financial investment in your future is higher education. You will increase your chances of succeeding in school and after you graduate by learning how to manage your money and keep a decent credit score.
Student Finance is here to help you at every turn.
The Council, which sets all university tuition, has the authority to change such costs at any moment. The revised sum will be due upon request.
No matter whether any services provided by the university are interrupted by uncontrollable events like strikes, student boycotts, riots, or other disruptions on campus, fees are still due in full.
Payment dates:
The cost of tuition and housing is determined by the semester. Regardless of whether or not an account was received, all fees must be paid. You will receive official account statements at your UFS4LIFE email address. In the event that you do not receive an account at that email address, it is your responsibility to convey the account to the payer and to inquire. With the Student Self-Service Portal, you may get to your account. Follow the links to Students – Student Self-Service – Financial Records at www.ufs.ac.za.
Payment dates for South African students:
First semester: all fees for the first semester are payable on/before 31 March.
Second semester: all fees for the second semester are payable on/before 31 August.
Payment dates for international students:
First semester: all fees for the first semester are payable on/ before 31 March.
Second semester: all fees for the second semester are payable on/before 30 June, regardless of any other date which may appear on account statements.
All other fees are payable no later than the end of the month following the month in which the transaction took place, as indicated on the account statement unless specifically stipulated otherwise in the regulations.
Discount on early payments
(SA students only)
Discount is given on early payment of tuition-fee accounts. The standard discount is given annually and is as follows:
• 5% when all fees for the whole year are paid before 28 February
• 2½% when all first-semester fees are paid before 28 February
Reference number (use the applicable option): First payment for registration: 100, directly followed by your student number. Tuition and accommodation fees: 100, directly followed by your student number.
No application fee
Not every application fee is payable. You will be prompted by the UFS throughout the application process. In the event that you do not receive any communication from the UFS within 10 days of submitting your documentation, please contact us immediately. The closing date for applications is 15 January 2023.
How do I pay my UFS registration fee?
Online credit card payment facility At https://www.ufs.ac.za/kovsielife/student-finance Nb: An official UFS student number is required when this facility is used for payment